Wonder Into Your Home

Wonder Into Your Home

Welcome to Chameleon Rock. An LA born, world based textile design business with our heart in an imaginary flowering jungle.

The Journal at Chameleon Rock

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Very welcome to “the Journal” at Chameleon Rock and my first journal post. My name is Anna, I’m the sole voice, owner and designer of this website and design business I call Chameleon Rock. I am originally Swedish but live in Los Angeles. I am here, doing this because I have a life long love with flowers, gardens and interior design. It took me the better part of my 37 year long life to figure out that designing and painting floral patterns for textile and wallpaper married these loves perfectly and would become a career worth getting genuinely excited about. It has by no means been a straight path, rather 34 years of confusion with a recent slow shift but I am looking forward to sharing it with you as I grow this personal space for reflection. So welcome, I look forward to getting to know you and keep you close in my process on everything patterns, design, textile and what keeps me inspired to draw and create. 
